UPDATE: "President Donald Trump"..."Commander-in-Chief"...."ultimate authority over U.S. nuclear strike decisions"....etc. Does that alarm/distress the 'beejeezus' out of you??

...Someone sane (and in close proximity..possibly armed) better be watching that guy, 24/7.
2018 update: FWIW, I'm occasionally beatin'-on the unpopular 'loser' somehow elevated to the U.S. presidency, HERE. (I.e.,..'offering some critical commentary'..) Join me...https://donaldwontlast.blogspot.com/
>>11/6/18 update: Dems. forecast to take back U.S. House, provide proper oversight etc. of Trump et al!!! (...Ref.: Song title and chorus, below...)

YT video link. No copyright claimed. Temporarily left on autoplay...


1/3/18 update:
This blog's general message, content (again) CONFIRMED:

"He's not only crazy, he's stupid". Source 1/3/18 article link. Update: The quotation specified is disputed (link).



...More seriously (for a moment)...Is there something wrong with Trump?
Unaffiliated 1/3/18 article link: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2018/01/trump-cog-decline/548759/

10/30/17 update....(esp. for Trump trolls everywhere, awaiting new signals from the Kremlin:)

(Video:)"12-counts Manafort"... come on down:↓

YT video link. No copyright etc.

-> "Paul is a great asset and an important addition..." -- Donald Trump, 2016. (Source linked.)

->"...George Papadopoulos. He’s an oil and energy consultant. Excellent guy...." -- Donald Trump, 2016. (Source linked.)

(..New campaign song?)

YT video link. No copyright claimed or intended.

********************************************* (↓Previously posted:↓)

(YT video link. No copyright, ownership or affiliation. Temporarily left on autoplay.)

(Previously written:) 12/16 temporary post:

A suggested Donald Trump/GOP inaugural theme-song. (Ref.: The song's refrain..) No ownership or affiliation:

(YT video link)



12/16 comment: Yeah..↑this (above) ↑is no longer a "joke" (...it wasn't before the "election", either...). If bipartisan leaders and national intelligence agencies conclude Russia (or anyone) meddled with the U.S. election to the advantage of one candidate; re-do the election. Especially if that one candidate or his campaign was somehow involved.

Or, at least demand that the nation's electors do their job(s) as designed, and provide them with the necessary information to do so.

....If the U.S then -- unbelievably -- (re-)installs the Putin puppet -- this 'ain't' America anymore!


(Previously written:)

11/24/16 update: "Precedent Hillary":

The popular vote winner for president should request a recount. Why? In addition to earning the overall vote lead (...that would constitute "legitimacy"..), requesting a recount may help hold "mandate"-claiming Republicans (somewhat) in check.

Perhaps more importantly, there has been evidence of outside interference during the campaign.

...National votes should be routinely audited -- at least going forward. Set a precedent for modern elections/vote-tallying.

(Previously written:)11/9/16 commentary: Additional, updated commentary is further below. FWIW: It's little consolation (for many), but Hillary (probably) has narrowly significantly won the U.S. popular vote.....So hate and bigotry did not win-out at least with the national vote for president...Update: ((Go ahead and) 'Spin' that fact or attack it with disinformation (e.g., fake facts) any way desired (..I guess). The 'bottom line' (for many) is that the popular-vote clear loser is being elevated into power. Potentially marginalizing a majority of voters -- particularly if a 'mandate' is (also being) claimed.)

(Update: Excerpt of Sen. Harry Reid's 11/11/16 remarks re Trump's 'winning':)
“...If this is going to be a time of healing, we must first put the responsibility for healing where it belongs: at the feet of Donald Trump, a sexual predator who lost the popular vote and fueled his campaign with bigotry and hate..... “Winning the electoral college does not absolve Trump of the grave sins he committed against millions of Americans. Donald Trump may not possess the capacity to assuage those fears, but he owes it to this nation to try....”

(Link to source.)

11/17/16: Off-site link to a worthy article. No affiliation, new window opens: http://time.com/4575119/electoral-college-demagogues/?

Another one: http://www.courant.com/opinion/op-ed/hc-op-harris-trumps-election-bigotry-1117-20161116-column.html

Final comments here (blog is no longer being updated -- it's time to move forward. Remember: 'Question authority'..): Credit to Michael Moore for correctly gauging the "industrial heartland" vote. Blogger alter-ego 'Vere Askey' also had some hazy idea (link) (in March) about what could happen (in general)..

(11/14/16 post-election:) ↓ooohh...You were 'mad'!↓(..In more ways than one.) And scared. You know; much like a petulant, unlearned child is, of some form of change in their life.
You refuse(d) to take a hard look in the mirror first -- at yourself, i.e.; for the source of some of your problems.... ..
So now: What's the (realistic) plan?
Really. We're starting 2017...not 1957. What's the plan?
(..And: 'Who ya gonna call'? (off-site article link))

(YT video link. No ownership/affiliation.)

(↑No affiliation)
(Commentary:) 11/9/16: OK. It's gloomy here, but I believe that the sun will still rise in the east today. The world still seems to be turning -- at least for now. Those in my life still love me, need ears scratched and tummies, or something rubbed, and all that.

Obviously, I was wrong with my projection below. A lot of people -- smart people -- were wrong.

(FWIW, industrial Midwest states tripped us up here. ..Where steel mills etc. have been losing out to (global) competition for nearly 50 years; it hasn't been a secret. (I'm long-familiar with the area and its industries). I have no idea how Donald Trump is going to significantly reverse all that, without busting the U.S budget wide open, adversely isolating the U.S. economy from the world, "manufacturing" large numbers of old-time high-paying jobs out of thin air (in an era of increasing automation), etc. etc...One possibility: A large infrastructure repair/modernization/upgrade project involving the entire nation. Something Democrats have at times advocated -- only to be blocked by obstructionist Republicans..BTW: Credit to Michael Moore (off-site article link) for correctly gauging dissent and frustration in America's industrial heartland..)

A lot of us are dismayed, worried, angry -- you name it -- right now...It does matter who is elected to the U.S. presidency.
One thing that is crystal-clear is that the U.S. is a deeply divided nation. (The other is that many prominent public polls apparently were unable to accurately gauge the U.S. electorate..)

It's difficult to imagine, but maybe Donald Trump somehow will turn out basically OK as president. The entire nation -- and world -- needs to start praying for that, and doing whatever we can to better ensure it. Some important checks and balances still exist in our system of government -- I hope. We're going to need plenty of strong and smart people to watch President-elect Trump, and to stand up to him as needed.

It will be interesting to see what becomes of the upcoming Trump University fraud case. ..What becomes of the numbers of women accusing President-Elect Trump of sexual misconduct. ..What becomes of the ridiculous, expensive wall blocking all of Mexico. ...When/if world markets will recover. ...What influence over the U.S. 'admirable' Vladimir Putin will now have...What happens to U.S. efforts to mitigate burgeoning climate change. On and on..

Great forces and powers of existence: If appeal is possible, please do not forsake our country any further.


Off-site link to an article (11/8/16) from someone more eloquent (etc.) than I am: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/projects/cp/opinion/election-night-2016/the-unknown-country
(Previously posted:)11/7/16: ↓This tiny blog's presidential election prediction ('worst case'):

The created electoral map below -- based upon personal analysis of various national polls, recent trends, pertinent news stories, etc -- represents what I believe would be close to a WORST (but winning) case for Hillary Clinton.
...I.e., she loses "battlegrounds" Ohio, North Carolina and Florida -- and also Nevada. (Insert: My own guess? She does not lose all four of those..)

(Continuing:) Note that Clinton still manages to slightly exceed the 270 electoral votes required to prevail. (This scenario also assumes that 3 of Maine's 4 "split" electoral votes go to Clinton.) Also note that this analysis assumes a fair election, with no effective outside interference and no significant vote-related "shenanigans" by Trump fanatics...:

Click the map to create your own at 270toWin.com

Please be sure to VOTE.
(Previously posted:) 2016 national election: "Both are unpopular. Only one is a threat." (Off-site 7/16 opinion article, new window opens. No affiliation:) https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/both-are-unpopular-only-one-is-a-threat/2016/07/10/4d78dce8-4529-11e6-bc99-7d269f8719b1_story.html

Monday, October 31, 2016

Reposted 10/31/16 article: Trump org.'s unusual server

(Temporary repost. Commentary:)
Per the following unaffiliated 10/31/16 article, computer scientist-sleuths may have discovered odd Internet communication between a Trump org. server and a Russian bank. Off-site link, new window opens:

(Non-commercial use of image)

Wow: Hillary campaign 'goes nuclear' with Trump. ...As warranted:

10/31/16 repost. Commentary. No direct (or indirect, really) affiliation with the video advert. embedded below.
Your Halloween 'scare':...For any who may be paying attention: As previously referenced here in this tiny blog (link) and at least one other posting elsewhere, the 'Daisy" nuclear ad of 1964 has been resurrected. ...And updated. (Language warning:)

(YT video link)

("Heads-up" (ref. above) was provided via this unaffiliated, published news article (10/31/16):
(link)  http://time.com/4551744/hillary-clinton-daisy-girl-donald-trump-ad/?)

(YT video link. No affiliation.)

(YT video link)

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hurrah for Harry Reid:

(10/30/16 temporary post. Commentary.)
FBI: Russia? да! ..Hillary? Under da bus...:
Screen capture↓, partial copy, linked to source. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid wrote it. No affiliation. Note: Unable to independently verify the claims in this letter.....at this point.
Update: Whether Mr. Reid's assertions can immediately be substantiated or not, someone with a degree of 'insider' knowledge -- and possessing authority -- needs to "push back" against the FBI director's 'rouge', public disclosure:

(Link to complete letter)

11/2/16 update: After investigation Trump, the FBI reportedly has found "no clear link" with (or to) Russia....
1) Let's see....who might I believe more: a) Donald Trump. b) The selective-disclosures-at-election-time FBI director, or, c) Harry Reid....?
2) As the FBI is apparently now in the public disclosure "business", why not publicly reveal all of the results of the Trump-Russia investigation?

Friday, October 28, 2016

The evil deceit of weaselly candidate (+ alleged groper-in-chief) Donald Trump.

(10/28/16 temporary post. Commentary:)

Ref. the following 10/28/16 news article. ....Even his own running mate -- no shining beacon of truth himself -- reportedly rejects voter suppression tactics:

Off-site story link, new window opens. No affiliation:

10/28/16 update: "Just say..anything (incendiary)" (i.e.,...to stay in the 'news'...): 
Ref.: The unaffiliated video embedded below. Is this lunatic "trying to lose.."??...Even stranger: The others mindlessly applauding (this statement):

Also: ...Apparently "Hillary's campaign" is "able" to "find" women groped by Donald Trump from all around the world: Off-site news article link, new window opens, no affiliation:
(Note: "PG-13-ish"; below↓....)




Thursday, October 27, 2016

The writing's on the wall, Donald ...and fanatics:

(Temporary 10/27/16 post. Commentary. 11/3/16 update: Apparently "thanks" largely to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's strange meddling.last week....now that writing is being erased:)

(Previously written:)

...It's been that way for awhile now...
(Ref. reprinted chart below:) Barring a last-minute, absolute reversal of fortunes (and (assuming) electoral projections).... Or an unprecedented polling/analysis "miss":
(Screen-captured, edited image, linked to source article. No ownership or affiliation:)


Yeah...but it's all "rigged". And/or it's all a "conspiracy"..ALL of it.
...All against YOU; and poor, obscure, powerless victim Donald Trump....:

(YT video link. No affiliation...↑Dude (hosting video) gets a little wound-up, but he makes some points.)

(FWIW, tiny blogger tiny disclosure: I provide certain election forecasts (as part of a group) for an organization that collaborates with one of the media/forecasting entities listed in the reproduced excerpt, above.)

Trump's "poll watchers": Another low from the 'The Party of Fear and Hate' leader

(Temporary post. Commentary:)

Screen captured image.↓ Edited. No affiliation. No link:

So many things wrong with the above (yeah; it's been posted there for awhile...), including placement of the false, incendiary "call-out" for poll intimidators.... in front of the United States flag. (Hint: It is the antithesis of what the nation is founded upon.)

Straight demagoguery.↓ Poorly (or erroneously) substantiated. Fact-optional. (...Hate and lies added...):

(YT video link. No ownership/affiliation.)

Screen captured, edited image↓ is a link to an independent analysis article. No affiliation here:

Another: Screen-captured, truncated image↓ is a link to the associated article. No ownership or affiliation:


...At least one group is attempting to fight back and stand up to desperate intimidation tactics of a demagogue. Off-site 10/27/16 news article link, new window opens, no affiliation:

Facts. Those pesky facts: Reposted excerpt↓ from a 10/12/16 Wall Street Journal article by Joe Palazzolo, "So You Want to be a Trump Poll Watcher".  No affiliation or ownership:
 "Donald Trump’s campaign has been recruiting poll watchers at rallies and on social media. The Republican presidential nominee has warned of potential voter fraud since at least the summer and with increasing frequency in recent days, telling crowds on Monday in Pennsylvania that the election could be “stolen from us.”
Evidence of the type of election fraud Mr. Trump seems to be worried about—unqualified people impersonating voters—is scant, as The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday, but his calls for vigilance may nevertheless lead some supporters to polling places for reasons other than their own vote.
With that in mind, we asked Sara Rose, a staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, to explain the laws that regulate poll watching in her state, a key battleground where Mr. Trump has warned of vote rigging.
Mr. Trump’s calls for volunteers notwithstanding, very few people are allowed inside a polling place if they aren’t there to cast a ballot...."

...What the hell is next from the anointed Republican "standard-bearer"....?

... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturmabteilung...?

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Ten Trump sexual misconduct accusers: 'Where there's smoke there's fire'?

(10/20/16 temporary post. Commentary.)

Time -- and possible litigation -- perhaps will tell, about the growing Trump scandals....

Ten Eleven harassment/misconduct accusers??  Even if somehow only (about) half of the women are publicly stating a real and true story.... Or, "only" a third....? That's still (far) too many. (At least one of the women reportedly offers corroboration (off-site link).)
The accused, and some of his supporters, are now doing what all (alleged) gropers, abusers, rapists, cat-callers, sex-fiends -- and their excuse-makers do. (When called-out.): They're blaming/disparaging the (alleged) victim(s). Or anyone else they can dream-up...

(YT video link. No affiliation.)

(Pertinent, 10/20/16 unaffiliated news article. new window opens:

P.S. National Republicans: Publicly renounce this nominee. Not doing so is (at least) tacit support for his actions and words.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Essential prerequisite for the modern presidency: Is the candidate balanced, rational, stable

(10/9/16 temporary post. Commentary:)

(Oh BTW: ...and are they a serious person (generally) versus a ridiculous clown/alleged groper....)

I'm not a psychologist or psychiatrist and neither are most Americans.
Still; just use a little basic judgement and intuition about the apparent mental make-up of the current presidential candidates -- one in particular:

(....A tiny sampling. Unaffiliated sources linked. New windows open.)




(YT video link)

(YT video link)

(YT video link)

(YT video link)

(YT video link)

(YT video link)

(YT video link. Language.content caution.)

Free trade is terrible. Free trade can be wonderful if you have smart people. But we have stupid people...

....and on and on....and on.

(YT video link)

(YT video link)


But... but.....we've already suffered through much of this before....
↓A peer↓:

(YT video link)

(The last word....(pls. watch all the way through):)

(YT video link)

Friday, October 7, 2016

It's not complicated. Continuing to support candidate Donald Trump equals supporting, accepting or condoning the following:

(10/7/16 temporary post. Commentary:)

...Just a brief, partial listing is further below (in the post).....
(Quick comment:) Trump's continuing, party-supported campaign for president is proof (that) there is no honest, courageous leadership within the national Republican party. If there were, this offensive clown would be effectively forced to drop out.
...(Once-again) "condemning" his statements/actions without also (immediately) demanding the end of his ridiculous candidacy.... = next-to-nothing.
10/8/16 update: Apparently it is "too late" to replace Donald Trump on the ballot.
The (slightly-)"honorable" thing to do would be (for Trump) to drop out......and for Republican "leaders" to rescind their ill-considered endorsements.

Another 10/8/16 update: ↓Reportedly↓.....there's even more.
....As Hillary has said (video below, different source), we don't know where the bottom is with the vulgarian.
Off-site news article link, new window opens:


(YT video link)

(Off-site article links, new windows open. No affiliation.)



(YT video link)

(YT video link)

(YT video link)


P.S. These 'guys' get it (re Trump)....unfortunately (off-site link, no affiliation):