(Temporary 10/27/16 post. Commentary.
11/3/16 update: Apparently "thanks" largely to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's
strange meddling.last week....now that writing is being erased:)
(Previously written:)
It's been that way for awhile now...
(Ref. reprinted chart below:) Barring a last-minute, absolute reversal of fortunes (and (assuming) electoral projections).... Or an unprecedented polling/analysis "miss":
(Screen-captured, edited image, linked to source article. No ownership or affiliation:)
Yeah...but it's all "rigged". And/or it's
all a "conspiracy"..ALL of it.
...All against
YOU; and poor, obscure, powerless victim Donald Trump....:
(YT video
link. No affiliation...↑Dude (hosting video) gets a little wound-up, but he makes some points.)
(FWIW, tiny blogger tiny disclosure: I provide certain election forecasts (as part of a group) for an organization that collaborates with one of the media/forecasting entities listed in the reproduced excerpt, above.)