Yes: This tiny, backwater blog
has gained exclusive insider access......
(We know a couple of Russian under-employed "intelligence agency" (*cough* hack hack hack hack...& hack..) dudes...)
Temporary insert: We briefly interrupt this Trump high-level "intelligence" skull-session for some stunningly witless repartee, courtesy of a top Trump presidential campaign adviser....on a major television network:
(YT video link)
(Continuing, previously written:)
Some photo-slides↓ allegedly used in Donald Trump's first intelligence briefing.
Note: The prospective Commander-in-Chief was asked if he could identify a couple of basic images (even though their descriptions were directly above), and then free-associate words with them. It was reported that he repeatedly murmured "homeland", "home-base", "home", and "dear fearless leader" about the first two:
(All images: No ownership. Non-commercial use.)
(Blogger note: This↑ reported image and description was actually a bit of "
fake intel.", to see if the Republican nominee for President of the United States
a) could spell, and/or
b) will soon blab to his followers about a new, top-secret spelling of '
...Some ultra-secret intel. was then reportedly shared with the petitioning, prospective leader of the free world:
"Secret photo↓ of previously unseen top CIA operatives at strategy gathering."
"Drone photo of troop action in unnamed, ultimately-successful U.S. war operation":
(John Trumbull [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)
"Innocuous image released to public this year secretly showing new USAF air combat fighter technology":
Note: At this point in the high-level briefing, U.S. intelligence ...uhh... briefers reportedly slipped in this unidentified, description-less ↓photo:
As told to this blog, candidate Donald Trump supposedly leaped from out of his chair at this point (pulling-out several surreptitiously-placed sensors), yelling:
"I already know that one! It's the nuclear triad!"
...Secretly-obtained purported photo of the 2016 Republican national nominee leaving his first high-level 'intelly-jence' briefing:
Bottom-of-post update: Another similarly sketchy account ....from a similarly sketchy source:
(off-site link)